Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jan 31


Ever had a thought, that Jan 31st is the last day of the first month, it flashed into my head today.I don't find a better day to recollect the past month and plan ahead for the next. January, Its no ordinary month.We had a awesome kick start on the new years day.Most of us would have taken up some resolutions, i personally, am a person who have failed a lot in my life,so this year i thought i should set up some realistic goals,so that i may not let guilt mock at me when i eventually fail.Having done that now i feel less motivated,coz i set the bar too low.so i think its a right time for me to revise the plans and to cut short my cozy zone.friends, if you have failed in keeping up ur resolutions, that's totally ok.Go ahead and Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Most of the things that i have learned in my life are extramural,i believe that ultimate goal of education is understanding.so, look outside the walls.Guys working in IT,all those who are studying,basically all of you,who are running this vicious cycle of life.get inspired quite often, take a break, read worthy books,spent time with friends and live the life,don't just participate in it.

I am no exception,i am like a Guinea pig in a lab,i don't have a choice,but to run the wheel all day long, but i choose to enjoy it.i am a guinea pig with my head phones on.

February is on the next page.say and show your love on valentine's day.Though there are arguments that love is commercialized on this day(for which i totally agree), still its an awesome day to say you care.I love the fact that the month squeezed in between two long months,its gonna be quick, so gear up and get going. God be with u guys.

"Before they call I will answer;while they are yet speaking I will hear." - The Bible

until next time, so long folks.


  1. Well said da, most of ur words here fit to 90% of the current generation...so its better to take a break n see to tht v plan n lead a contented life

  2. Nice Blogging. The Guinea pig analogy is "Classic"!


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