Sunday, February 7, 2010


"so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him - Hebrews 9:28"

Dear friends,

Greetings to you, I was lead by God that I should share this word with you all,which encouraged me very much, hope it will do the same in you.'so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many', the KJV records 'Christ was offered once' which clearly means that the offering of Christ for our sins is a finished work. when Christ Jesus died as a sacrifice for our sins-sins: past, present & future-on the roman cross, as a sign of shame & ridicule, at that very moment He bore all our sins. We see the same in the famous passage 'The servant's suffering' in Isaiah 53, what surprised me was even the prophecy was told in a past tense, 'surely he has borne our infirmities', 'He bore the sins of many'. How loving our God is and how grateful we should be.

Now He 'will appear a second time', not as a helpless child in the arms of virgin Mary, not as simple Galilean peasant, but with all his glory at the sound of the trumpet, over the clouds, and its going to be a victorious entry. Many of us have this wrong idea that Christ is going to come and conquer the sins of the world, but the scripture says that he will appear a second time 'not to deal with sin', coz He has already dealt with it.

I love this part of the verse & this is the message I want to share with you is He will appear 'to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him'. say with me the word 'eagerly' for 4-5 times, when I was reading this passage I was saying this word for a day or so. I pray that you somehow understand what I understood. For eg. 'eagerly waiting for the exam results', o.k. I've never done that before in my life, ah ! Let's say 'eagerly waiting for her', oh yes, that's an example. I am kidding guys, its more than that, its something that we think about all the time, before we do anything that we examine that are we going towards the goal ?, it’s the superlative form of expecting, its our driving force, its all we need in our life, it's insanely fixing an idea in our mind and heart and respond to any instance of our life with respect to that idea, it's the way of life; I can say it's life itself.

Let's take this week to examine our self, whether we are expecting Him all the days of our life and are we living a life as such ?

Respond and correct me, of course that's what fellowship is all about.

Have a Christ filled week friends.



Unless its mentioned all the verses are quoted from New Revised Standard Version

1 comment:

  1. Hmm..Driving force.. S Rathan.. True. More than ever before, everyday for me blooms with the question - Today,Towards what?

    Completing assessment reports? Run behind PR application? Hunt Job? Settle edu mortgage? Vanity of vanities says the Word.

    More than anything else, I prefer to wrap myself in His Grace,being so careful to preserve self in Christ that eventually the Purpose of life be fulfilled somehow, someday.

    Beyond great education, lifestyle, career goals, achievements there lies unquenchable thirst of "God,What you want me to do here?"

    Yea..I eagerly wait for u Father!
    For you r no vanity, u r my eternity.


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